How to Conquer Your Fear of Failure?

In the preceding chapter, you learned how to use the LAW OFAVERAGES to GUARANTEE that you will get WHATEVER you want.
You learned how to get WHATEVER you want by using the simple and easy ASKING method of Personal Influence Psychology.
You also learned that, according to the LAW OF AVERAGES, many people will readily do what you reasonably ASK-but that some people will refuse at first until you make them sure that they will benefit and cannot lose, and then they also will do what you ASK.
Then you learned the necessity of accepting the inevitable routine failures in life (including a lot of people refusing to do what you ASK) and continuing, completely unperturbed by temporary failures, to cheerfully and confidently ASK until you get whatever you want in life.
Knowing that the LAW OF AVERAGES will GUARANTEE your ultimate success, enables you to conquer your fear of failure.
YOU MUST CONQUER YOUR FEAR OF FAILURE in order to get whatever you want . .. happiness . . . love . . . success . . . wealth . . . influence . . . power. . . popularity . . . fame . . . whatever you want in life.
The first step in conquering your fear of failure is to realize that failure is simply a routine event which happens to everybody in some degree almost every day- and often many times a day!
As they say in sports: you win some and you lose some!
The biggest reason for permanent failure-or even for prolonged failure-is that tender, timid people think of failure as something to be avoided! They try to avoid failure by never attempting to accomplish anything!
And, of course, that assures failure!
Even if you are one of those tender, timid people, you cannot avoid failing some of the time!
If YOU now are one of those tender, timid people, that fact alone will assure your failure, because being AFRAID OF FAILURE attracts failure like a mag- net! Fear of failure assures failure!
This is why tender, timid people FAIL:
(1) Tender, timid people think of failure as something to be avoided.
(2) Tender, timid people are ashamed of failure.
(3) Tender, timid people feel that they are disgraced by failure.
(4) Tender, timid people are disappointed by failure.
(5) Tender, timid people are discouraged by failure.
(6) Tender, timid people panic when con- fronted by failure ..
(7) Tender, timid people fear failure.
(8) Tender, timid people quit trying because of failure.
It is obvious that tender, timid people who are AFRAID OF FAILURE, actually assure their own failure by being afraid to really try to succeed, and thus in seeking to avoid failure, they miss unlimited opportunities which lead directly to success! They actually avoid success!
Every time you FAIL in trying to accomplish something-you simply have taken another step on the mad to SUCCESS! Yes, it may be a stumbling step-but this blog will teach you to STUMBLE FORWARD! Even if you should stumble and fall on your way to success, this blog will teach you to F ALL FORWARD!
SUCCESS is largely a matter of STUMBLING FORWARD ... FALLING FORWARD and GETTING UP whenever you fall down!
Failure is an inevitable . .. a necessary and a useful . . . part of being successful. You learn more from failing than from succeeding because failure impresses you with what not to do- and it impresses you more memorably than succeeding (for succeeding soon will become routine to you). A sock on the jaw is more impressive and more memorable than a pat on the back!

FAILURE CONDITIONS YOU FOR SUCCESS! It strengthens you to overcome adversity. You've got to learn how to fail successfully! It is through failing that you learn to succeed! It is important to learn the valuable lessons taught by failure. Failure teaches you what won't work, so if you fail often enough you will know all of the things which won't work. Then just eliminate what won't work and you have your Master Success Plan which you know will work!
What is equally important in learning the lessons of failure, is to obtain the mental-emotional conditioning of failure! FAILURE teaches you to “take it!"
Did you ever hear of a boxing champion who never had been hit? And hit hard?
Or a star football back who hadn't been tackled? Hard?
Or a salesman who sold every prospect?
Having been sales counsel to 102 corporations, let me tell you how salesmen FAIL their way to SUCCESS. In selling (depending upon the cost-profit ratio) a sales- man can FAIL to sell 9 out of every 10 prospects-and still make a fortune! A salesman does not have to sell ALL prospects ... or even to sell MOST prospects ... but only to sell just ENOUGH prospects to get rich!
In some businesses, a salesman can get rich if he fails to sell every prospect except one a week! I know of successful businesses which give each salesman a sales quota of only three sales per week, which means that the acceptable rate of FAILURE is to FAIL to sell every prospect except THREE every week!
There are some instances when only one sale in a lifetime made a millionaire!
The point to remember is: You do not have to succeed ALL of the time . .. you do not even have to succeed MOST of the time . . . but you ONLY have to succeed ENOUGH of the time-to get WHATEVER you want!
You can FAIL your way to SUCCESS!
Consider the “99-failures-to-one-success" failure ratio in advertising. You can get very rich in advertising by failing to sell 99% of the time!
Huge fortunes are invested daily in advertise- ments which are certain to FAIL even to attract the AT- TENTION of 90% of the time!
Huge fortunes are invested daily in advertise- ments which are certain to FAIL even to attract the AT- TENTION of 90% of the possible readers! So the adver- tiser starts with an expected 90% FAILURE rate! Then of the 10% of the people who actually LOOK at the ad at all, only a small percent READ it-and a very small percent actually BUY what is advertised. But that is ENOUGH!
So, in advertising you can FAIL 99% and only SELL 1 %-and get very rich!
So what is all this foolishness about FAILURE being something to AVOID?
FAILURE is an inevitable . . . a necessary and a useful . . . part of being SUCCESSFUL!
You do not have to succeed ALL of the time you do not even have to succeed MOST of the time you ONLY have to succeed ENOUGH of the time- to get WHATEVER you want!

In the next chapter you will learn HOW TO FAIL YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS! 


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