You were born  to  succeed!
Success  is  Nature's  Law.
Success  is  a  natural  instinct.  Everything  in  nature has  a success instinct.
Plants  instinctively  seek  and  obtain  the  nourishment, moisture  and all of  the elements  needed for  successful growth. If  it were not for  the success instinct, there  would  be no  plants.
Animals  instinctively  seek  and  obtain  food,  water,  mates.  Without  their  success  instinct  to  GET  WHAT THEY WANT,  there would be no  animals.
People,  being  more  highly  developed  than  plants  and  animals,  have  a much more  highly  developed  success  instinct.  They  are  born with  this  natural  success  instinct, the urge,  the drive to GET WHAT THEY WANT.
Yet some people fail.
Certainly  not  because  Nature  intended  for  them to fail. Nature intended for them  to succeed-to GET WHAT THEY WANT  in  accordance with Natural  Law.
People  fail  ONLY  because  they  have  not  USED  the natural  success  instinct with which  they were  born.
The fact  that YOU want to  succeed  (which is  why you are reading this SUCCESS COURSE)  is  positive  proof that your success instinct is intense and ready to GET  WHATEVER YOU WANT  ... now!

There is a famous proverb which states, "When  the student is ready, a teacher arrives."  YOU  are  ready now  to  succeed  in GETTING  WHATEVER YOU WANT. 


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