In fact, so very few people have succeeded without the help of
others that we shall ignore that possibility and devote this chapter to
emphasizing the absolute necessity of YOUR obtaining the willing help of others
As explained throughout the first part of this blog, the quickest,
easiest, surest way to get anything is to ASK for it.
That applies to obtaining the willing help of others to enable you
to get whatever you want.
You simply ASK for the help you need.
You ASK courteously-do not demand.
You ASK forthrightly-do not beg.
You ASK expectantly-with the confidence that others will do what you
ASK or provide what you ASK. Confident expectation makes resistance difficult.
You ASK persistently-with the calm patience that implies that you
are prepared to devote as much time as necessary to ultimately obtaining what
you ASK.
WHOM should you ASK to help you get what- ever you want?
Of course, that is determined by what you want, but there are
basically two principal sources of help:
Since BOOKS simply are people in print, BOOKS can be considered almost
as people when you decide WHOM to ASK for help.
However, PEOPLE must be influenced with appreciation, gratitude, admiration,
cooperation and friendship-plus their desire for their own personal gain, and the
entire range of Personal Influence Psychology taught throughout this blog.
A BOOKS does not need to be influenced because a BOOKS is your
total and constant servant! You own a BOOKS and all thats in it!
To GET WHATEVER YOU WANT, it is necessary for you to make full use
of PEOPLE and BOOKS. The reason most people are not a lot more successful is that
they use only a small fraction of the total help that is avail- able to them
for the ASKING!
They do not ASK enough people, and they do not ASK (by reading) enough BOOKS!
Incredible as it seems, most people Simply do not ASK even a few of
the hundreds of PEOPLE who could (and, if properly ASKED, would) help them GET WHATEVER
Most people DO so few of even the simplest things which would make
them many times more successful-that it almost seems that they are
deliberately trying to fail!
How many PEOPLE have you ASKED to help you get what you want? Any?
A few? A dozen? A hundred? How many? How often?
WHY HAVEN'T YOU ASKED more PEOPLE? Don't wait! Take the initiative!
How many BOOKS have you ASKED (by reading them) to help you get
what you want? Any, be- sides the one you now are reading? A few? A dozen? A hundred?
(I have three personal libraries filled completely with books on how to succeed.
I read these books every night until past midnight .. So I am not asking you to
do any- thing which I have not done all my life-and still do every night.)
WHY HAVEN'T YOU ASKED (read) more BOOKS ? Read or re-read a book every month.
Not knowing what you personally want, obviously I cannot tell
you which PEOPLE or which BOOKS you should ASK to help you succeed. YOU will have
to choose the PEOPLE and BOOKS for your own needs. I only can tell you that
there are hundreds of PEOPLE and there are hundreds of BOOKS ready, willing,
and able to help you GET WHATEVER YOU WANT -if you will just ASK them!
have a lot of ASKING to dol Why not start NOW?
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