Why Be Afraid? . . . You CANNOT LOSE!

Are you AFRAID that those whom you ASK will say "NO!"?
Would being told "NO!" hurt your feelings?
Wound your precious ego? Would you be personally of- fended? Are you afraid that the person you ASK would be offended? Why are you afraid that someone will tell you "NO"'?
Many people are so afraid of being told "NO!" that they do not persistently ASK for WHATEVER THEY WANT (sometimes they are afraid to ASK at all!) and so they do not get what they want.
Silly isn't it? Imagine going through life being afraid to ASK for what you want! Are YOU doing without WHATEVER YOU WANT, because you are afraid to ask for it?
Let's put an end to that silly fear!
In the first place, you simply cannot lose by ASKING! Obviously, you do not NOW have that for which you ASK-or you would not need to ASK for it. Since you do not NOW have it, you cannot lose it by ASKING for it -if the other person says "NO!" to what you ASK. You did not have it anyway! So how could you lose it?
You cannot lose that which you do not have.
So by ASKING for what you do not have, you cannot lose! You can get more by ASKING, but you cannot lose anything!
Be like the salesman who timidly approached the door to the big buyer's office. The salesman was afraid to go in and ASK the buyer for an order because the sales- man was afraid the buyer would tell him "NO!". Then the salesman gave a silent talk to himself, which went like this:
"I do not NOW have the buyer's order.
"The only way I can get the buyer's order is to ASK him for it.
"If I ASK the buyer for an order, what is the worse possible thing which could happen to me?
"The worse possible thing which could happen only would be that the buyer would say "NO".
"Then I still would not have the buyer's order, but I do not have it NOW, either-so I cannot lose by
So the salesman went in, ASKED for the order, got the order, thanked the buyer, and left to go ASK more buyers for more orders!
But if the buyer had told the salesman, "NO!", the salesman would not have been ANY worse off for having ASKED for something he didn't already have anyway!
In fact, he would have been better off-be- cause one of the most effective ways to get what you want is to start with getting a “No!" response to what you ASK!'
(Maybe you ought to read the preceding statement again! Two or three times!)
Most people think a “No!" reply is the end- when a “No!" reply to what you ASK is only the beginning of one of the most successful methods for getting what you want!
Many of the most successful people use the technique of almost inviting a “NO!" reply so that they can use the success methods described in the next two chapters which take the fear out of ASKING.

Let's start with the next chapter, which tells you: What To Do And Say When The Answer Is “NO!". 

Many “Best Buys" Do Not Cost Any Money!

ASKING is the quickest, easiest, surest way to get what you want. It usually is the most inexpensive. But it isn't FREE! Successful ASKING has a price tag.

You have to pay-before, during, or after-you get whatever you want, even though you get it simply by ASKING. That is as it should be. Success should not- and does not-consist of going around begging: "Gimme, . . " gimme, gimme. There are too many people trying that now- and it isn't getting them anything I Perhaps a few tokens, but that's all. Let's take a good look at the price tags on GETTING WHATEVER YOU WANT by the success method of ASKING.

Actually, there are many price tags and different price tags, but that fact will not confuse you once you learn how to read the prices on the price tags of success. And that is easy. Obviously, some ASKING really is no more than expert purchasing. All you do to get the BEST BUY is to use your skill in ASKING to be sure you always get the best value at the lowest possible price. But since in actual purchases, the "price" means “money," we shall not discuss it here--except to emphasize that perfecting your skill and persistence in ASKING will enable you always to get the BEST BUYS.

In this chapter let us consider getting many of the things you want without paying any MONEY at all! The price tags are there-but they don't have DOLLAR marks! Instead of DOLLAR prices, the price tags on many of the things you want have such prices as: appreciation, gratitude, admiration, cooperation and friendship.

You see, other people don't just want money. Many people don't want or need any more money. But everybody wants and needs: appreciation, gratitude, admiration, cooperation and friendship. So you often can pay for many of the things you want with what other people want MORE THAN MONEY!

And, if you try, you can cultivate and possess in unlimited abundance: appreciation, gratitude, admiration, cooperation and friendship with which to pay others for providing you with many of the things you want and need most. If you ASK a powerful and wealthy person to help you get what you want-you wouldn't offer to pay in money. You would pay in admiration of his achievements, appreciation of (in the meaning of holding in esteem) his accomplishments, sincere gratitude radiant with the warmth of friendship, and the assurance of your total co operation in any of his activities where your services might save his valuable time for his more important endeavors.

If you are genuinely and obviously sincere, this will get you the help you want-plus valuable goodwill which may last a lifetime! Even in those cases where you should and do pay with money-always add an extra bonus payment in appreciation, gratitude, admiration, cooperation and friendship. This may get you special consideration, service or other tangible benefits-but always it will get you a bonus of goodwill in return. And, as you go through life, you will find that you need all of the goodwill you can accumulate.

You should start an imaginary GOODWILL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT and invest in it all of the goodwill you can acquire so that you will accumulate an unlimited abundance of goodwill! The best investment you can make in that imaginary GOODWILL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT is the goodwill you will receive in return for your adding an extra bonus payment of appreciation, gratitude, admiration, cooperation and friendship-whenever you ASK anyone to help you get what you want! That will make your success method of ASKING doubly profitable!

How To Get Others To Help YOU Succeed?

Few people can succeed too by themselves.
In fact, so very few people have succeeded without the help of others that we shall ignore that possibility and devote this chapter to emphasizing the absolute necessity of YOUR obtaining the willing help of others to enable YOU TO GET WHATEVER YOU WANT.
As explained throughout the first part of this blog, the quickest, easiest, surest way to get anything is to ASK for it.
That applies to obtaining the willing help of others to enable you to get whatever you want.
You simply ASK for the help you need.
You ASK courteously-do not demand.
You ASK forthrightly-do not beg.
You ASK expectantly-with the confidence that others will do what you ASK or provide what you ASK. Confident expectation makes resistance difficult.
You ASK persistently-with the calm patience that implies that you are prepared to devote as much time as necessary to ultimately obtaining what you ASK.
WHOM should you ASK to help you get what- ever you want?
Of course, that is determined by what you want, but there are basically two principal sources of help:
Since BOOKS simply are people in print, BOOKS can be considered almost as people when you decide WHOM to ASK for help.
However, PEOPLE must be influenced with appreciation, gratitude, admiration, cooperation and friendship-plus their desire for their own personal gain, and the entire range of Personal Influence Psychology taught throughout this blog.
A BOOKS does not need to be influenced because a BOOKS is your total and constant servant! You own a BOOKS and all thats in it!
To GET WHATEVER YOU WANT, it is necessary for you to make full use of PEOPLE and BOOKS. The reason most people are not a lot more successful is that they use only a small fraction of the total help that is avail- able to them for the ASKING!
They do not ASK enough people, and they do not ASK (by reading) enough BOOKS!
Incredible as it seems, most people Simply do not ASK even a few of the hundreds of PEOPLE who could (and, if properly ASKED, would) help them GET WHATEVER THEY WANT!
Most people DO so few of even the simplest things which would make them many times more successful-that it almost seems that they are deliberately trying to fail!
How many PEOPLE have you ASKED to help you get what you want? Any? A few? A dozen? A hundred? How many? How often?
WHY HAVEN'T YOU ASKED more PEOPLE? Don't wait! Take the initiative! ASK!
How many BOOKS have you ASKED (by reading them) to help you get what you want? Any, be- sides the one you now are reading? A few? A dozen? A hundred? (I have three personal libraries filled completely with books on how to succeed. I read these books every night until past midnight .. So I am not asking you to do any- thing which I have not done all my life-and still do every night.)
WHY HAVEN'T YOU ASKED (read) more BOOKS ? Read or re-read a book every month.
Not knowing what you personally want, obviously I cannot tell you which PEOPLE or which BOOKS you should ASK to help you succeed. YOU will have to choose the PEOPLE and BOOKS for your own needs. I only can tell you that there are hundreds of PEOPLE and there are hundreds of BOOKS ready, willing, and able to help you GET WHATEVER YOU WANT -if you will just ASK them!
You have a lot of ASKING to dol Why not start NOW?

The most banned word when you ask for something.

HOW you ASK-often is as important as WHAT you ASK! HOW you ASK-often will determine whether or not you will get WHAT you ASK! Therefore, it is essential that you learn how to ASK. And, also, that you learn how not to ASK. The briefest, clearest way to express the basic teaching of this chapter is in its title: NEVER Use The Word: “DEMAND." That states a rule to which there are no exceptions. It is easy to remember-and remembering it is so essential to GETTING WHATEVER YOU WANT that you must memorize it and remind yourself of it whenever you are tempted to use pressure: NEVER Use The Word: “DEMAND.” Arrogant DEMANDING his become a mis- guided method tried by many would-be pressure groups and especially their leaders in seeking to impose the will of a minority upon a majority. Next to ensuring permanent failure by using actual physical violence in acts of dissent, defiance or revolution-DEMANDS (usually accompanied by threats, real or implied) are the surest way to create instant, hardened resistance which GUARANTEES that whatever is DEMANDED will be delayed, reduced or denied-with sullen resentment and varying degrees of hostility. It is not the purpose of this blog to judge the justice or the possibility of attainment of any of the DEMANDS made by anyone group (usually a minority) upon any other group (usually a majority) . But since what is so vehemently DEMANDED obviously is what some people want, it is consistent with the purpose of this blog, in teaching how to get what you want, to emphasize that DEMANDING it-is NOT how to get it easily, simply and surely. Or even how to get it at all! In fact, many of the desired actions or desired things which are DEMANDED-are DENIED solely be- cause of the MANNER in which they are DEMANDED! And, many of those desired actions or desired things often clearly are deserved-and would have been granted-if they had not been arrogantly DEMANDED! It is a fact of human nature that people do not like to be forced to do anything. If, for whatever reason, resistance already exists-then any attempt to use DEMANDS to force a humiliating SURRENDER, only increases the resistance- and enflames the hostility which accompanies the resistance. DEMANDS are counter-productive. Instead of making it easier to get whatever is wanted, DEMANDS make it much more difficult. It is a law of psychology, as well as a law of physics, that pressure creates resistance. If you want to give the impression that you are trying to force others to give you whatever you want by your applying pressure- just say, “I DEMAND!" The response of others to what- ever you DEMAND (no matter how worthy) will be instant, hardened RESISTANCE. Then, if you want to blow the whole deal, just add: “And my DEMAND is NOT NEGOTIABLE!" That will blow it! Just consider a few (deliberately extreme) examples of DEMANDS, and imagine the response to each: A husband comes home from work. Instead of his usual greeting, he shouts at his wife: “I DEMAND that you serve me my dinner NOW!" (Imagine the wife's re- action!) A salesman walks up to his prospect and shouts: “I DEMAND that you give me an order NOW . . . on MY terms . . . and MY terms are NOT NEGOTIABLE!" Well, he not only will get one order, but two orders: “Get out!!!" and “Get lost!!!" In your own imagination, apply the “I DEMAND" approach to all sorts of situations. Then imagine the response! The response may be overt and violent, or the response may be silent hatred, or the response may be sullen resentment and hardened resistance. Yet people, in all walks of life, from those who have no power at all, to those who represent large power- 70 seeking organizations, incur resentment, resistance, hostility and hatred by saying: “I DEMAND!" ... "We DEMAND!" You see them at meetings or on television- their faces contorted with contempt and hatred-shouting “I DEMAND!" ... "We DEMAND!" ... "And our DEMANDS are NOT NEGOTIABLE!" The use of such resistance-assuring and hostility-provoking statements brand those using them as insolent, arrogant, ignorant people-pretenders of power- who, any psychiatrist will tell you, are over-compensating for an inferiority complex hidden deep within their sub- conscious. They really are unsure of themselves so they consciously or subconsciously try to cover up their unsureness by shouting DEMANDS. The more unsure they are the louder they shout! In their show of bravado, they imagine that their DEMANDS demonstrate that they have POWER- when just the opposite is true: Those who really HAVE POWER never NEED to DEMAND! And never do! People and organizations with the POWER to get what they ASK, never DEMAND. They REQUEST. That is all they need to do. A DEMAND is an admission of WEAKNESS magnified by threats! All you need to do to GET WHATEVER YOU WANT is to use the success methods taught in this blog. One of the easiest of these success methods is to ASK (never DEMAND). This blog will teach you how to ASK so that you never will incur resentments which will cause resistance.

Make It EASIER For Others To DO What You Want-Than NOT To!

Until you learn and use the success-methods of ASKING, as taught in this blog, you will find it difficult to realize how easy it is to get what you want just by properly ASKING for it!
The proper success-method is for you to make it easier for others to do what you reasonably ASK-than not to do it. Here's how:
As explained in the previous chapter: Why People Will Do What YOU WANT, all people have been taught, trained, and "attitude-conditioned" to do what they are ASKED. This "doing what is ASKED" is a form of "learned response" which is begun in early childhood, and continues throughout life. Without it, civilization could not function smoothly and the result would be chaos, total conflict and the ultimate destruction of organized society.
ASKING is a psychological push-button! You push the psychological button of ASKING-and others respond by doing what you ASK!
Of course, all persons you ASK are not going to give you every thing you ASK for, or do every thing you ASK them to do-the first time you ASK . . . and perhaps they never will. Nor is a high percentage of compliance necessary for your success.
The ASKING technique is based on the Law of Averages. This is described in a later chapter which ex- plains how to apply the Law of Averages to ASKING in such a way as to GUARANTEE your success! Not your success in getting a favorable response every time you ASK, but enough of the times to make you a sure success!
The other psychological “push-button" techniques of ASKING will be discussed in various other chapters in detail as they apply to other success methods. How- ever, in order for you to begin using the success method of ASKING right now, here are some principles of Personal Influence Psychology applied to ASKING:
(1)   ASK courteously-not merely by using such courteous words as “please," but ASK in an extremely courteous manner.
(2)   ASK expectantly-in the voice and attitude that of course the other person will gladly do what you courteously and expectantly ASK.
(3)   ASK reasonably. This applies to what you ASK and how you ASK.
Obviously, people are not going to do unreasonable things just because you ASK them to. If you go about, ASKING unreasonable things, you will reap a harvest of undesirable consequences.
Not only must what you ASK be reasonable, but it must “sound" reasonable. The more reasonable your request is and “sounds," the more readily it will be granted.
(4)   ASK persuasively. The success method of ASKING depends upon using the Personal Influence Psychology of influence-by-persuasion. Never DEMAND!
Never use the word: “DEMAND." Never even “sound demanding." (More about this in the next chapter. )
(5)   ASK pleasantly-without pressure. Do not let your voice or manner imply pressure. Pressure creates resistance-and resistance is the exact opposite of what you want. What you want is agreement, cooperation and friendly compliance.
(6)   ASK positively. Let your voice and manner, in every way, imply that, of course, the other person will be agreeable and cooperative by gladly doing what you ASK. (More about Positive Power in later chapters.)
(7)   ASK firmly. This is the most difficult (and probably the most important) technique of ASKING successfully-because you must give the firm impression that what you ASK is so reasonable, logical and just-that you shall pleasantly persist until you get it!
The needed skill is to ASK firmly-with the implication of continuing persistence-BUT to do it courteously, reasonably, persuasively, pleasantly, without any offensive pressure and without threatening argument. Develop the skill of implying persistence-without pressure.
When you master that skill, you will make it easier for others to do what you want-than not to do it! And your success is thereby assured!
This applies to your dealings with everybody -individuals, groups, businesses. But let's use businesses as an example:
The most successful businesses have learned that it simply requires too much valuable time to argue with a customer or a prospect. At today's high wage-rates, executive and employee time probably will cost much more than whatever could be gained or saved by arguing.
The most expensive element in business is time!
Time is too costly to waste in arguing. The usual business policy now is: If what a customer or prospect ASKS is reasonable and if the cost of doing it does not greatly exceed the cost of arguing about why the business may not do it-then do it pleasantly and agreeably. Do it promptly -do not waste time arguing!
This policy began many years ago, when the more intelligent businesses started using the now famous slogan: “The customer is always right!" Their sales sky- rocketed-and so did their profits! So now almost all businesses have adopted this policy, even though they may no longer visibly display the slogan: “The customer is always right!" Arguing costs too much.
Arguing with customers and prospects not only wastes costly employee and company time, but it loses sales and it incurs ill will. So every cost-conscious, public- relations-minded business acts on the proven principle that it is less costly, as well as good business, to agree with its customers and prospects, and promptly comply with their reasonable requests.
The author, who has been sales counsel to 102 companies, has found that one of the most effective lessons in sales training is to teach salesmen to HELP the prospect BUY in his or her OWN way-not to try to sell the way the salesman wants to sell, but to HELP the prospect BUY the way the PROSPECT wants to buy. With unobtrusive guidance by the salesman, the prospect will sell himself or " herself! This makes selling easy and pleasant.
Yes, businesses have learned that it pays to operate by the slogan: "The customer is always right!"
Businesses have learned the high cost of not doing what people reasonably ASK! So you can be sure that most businesses will respond favorably to what you ASK.
In fact, almost all people will do what you reasonably ASK-for the very practical reason that it prob- ably will be easier to do what you ASK, than to risk the time-consuming explanations, discussions and possible argument~ which might result from refusing your reason- able, logical, courteous request. Also, agreeably doing what you ASK will win your goodwill which is preferable to incurring your ill will by refusing to do what you pleasantly and expectantly ASK.
You psychologically underscore the advantages of doing and the disadvantages of not doing what you re- quest-when you ASK firmly with "implied persistence." Next to applying the Law of Averages to your success method of ASKING, the use of "implied persistence" will most greatly increase the favorable responses to what you ASK.
Remembelt, "implied persistence" must be friendly, courteous, reasonable and persuasive-without offensive pressure and without threatening argument. Simply give the impression that a "No" reply will NOT send you scurrying out the nearest door but, on 66 the contrary, you will not have moved an inch and will calmly be inquiring. "Why?" ... and unhurriedly wait- ing for a logical answer. Your attitude must never show a trace of belligerency. You must not be argumentative. You must exert no pressure. You must give the clear impression that you are pleasantly patient-unhurriedly awaiting an understanding of the reasonableness of what you ASK, and expecting ultimately a favorable response.
Make it amicably obvious that it will be easier, more pleasant, more agreeable to do what you ASK than to risk the time-consuming and other undesirable conse- quences of unreasonably refusing!
Yes, there is a skill to ASKING-and it is a skill worth developing to the greatest degree! As you proceed through this SUCCESS COURSE, you willieam many techniques of Personal In- fluence Psychology which will improve your ASKING methods until the results you get will seem miraculous! 

Why People Will Do What YOU WANT

“ASK . . . and you shall receive!" ASK . and others will do what you WANT!
Know why?
People are taught from earliest childhood to do what is ASKED of them. This training to do or say what they are ASKED to do or say starts in the home as soon as little children are first able to understand anything.
When the child begins to learn, he or she is expected-and I do mean expected-to answer promptly and correctly a continuous bombardment of questions.
The dialogue begins something like this:
Mother: "Who is this? Is it Mama"
Then the same routine is repeated for "Da-da."
So begins conditioning to responding favorably to what is ASKED and it goes on through life. It progresses to such questions as:
Mother: "What does the little doggie say?"
Little child: "Bow! Wow!"
Mother: "And what does the pussy cat say?"
Little child: "Mee-ow!"
Later, more questions, always questions- ASKING for action or information in the form of a favorable response and getting the response wanted-or else!
"What is the name of the little girl next door?"
"What did you learn at Sunday School?"
"Where were you all afternoon?"
"When did you see the red bird?"
"How would you like to go on a picnic?"
"What do you want for lunch?"
"Will you please hand me your socks?"
"Will you pull your wagon off the driveway so Daddy can drive in?"
Always more questions-always ASKING and always requiring a response. Not just requesting a verbal reply, but increasingly requiring compliance.
Then comes school-consisting of at least half of the time being taken up with required answers to what is ASKED by the teachers. If there were no ASKING and answering, there would be no measurement of learning.
And unless there is a measurement of learning, there can be no evaluation of teaching methods. The value of what is learned, establishes the value of the teacher-not what the teacher knows, as certified by academic degrees, but what the teacher implants into the mind and personality of each student.
While this ASKING is continuing day after day . . . month after month . . . year after year . . . the result is mental (conscious and subconscious) conditioning- the “learned response" to complying with what is ASKED. It becomes an unconscious habit-a way of life.
And after you graduate from school, you have not finished your training in responding to ASKING. In fact, your mental conditioning to replying with a favorable response to what is ASKED of you has just begun.
School's out!!! But then comes the business world. It's a world of bosses . . . bosses . . . bosses. At first, everybody is your boss. Finally, if you study this blog carefully, you may become president of a big corporation -and then only the stockholders (perhaps 10,000 of them!) and your Board of Directors and your company's customers and regulatory agencies of government will be your bosses, along with an unlimited number of other people and organizations whose authority may be question- able, but whose intentions of ASKING you to do things are quite vocal! So, you always will have bosses and you might as well get used to the boss-employee relationship.
In business, it is the boss' job to ASK you to do things. And it is your job to do what you are ASKED to do.
That's how business is run and it applies to all levels of management and employees.
You do what you are ASKED to do-and you do it promptly, courteously and correctly--or you find yourself holding a pink termination slip!
The technique of succeeding in business has changed and you had better study these next few facts carefully because if you haven't changed to meet the new requirements of business leadership you are headed for the nearest trash can.
No longer can anyone become a business leader by fighting his way to the top. The days of ruthless battles for leadership are gone. And so are the days when one could climb the ladder of Success by kissing the feet on the rung of the ladder above and kicking the face of the fellow holding the rung of the ladder just beneath.
No, you can no longer fight your way up to Success. You have to be LIFTED up by your fellow men!
The Secret of Success today is making yourself EASIER TO LIFT!
To begin with, that means cooperating with everybody! It means responding to what you are ASKED -and doing it courteously, promptly and efficiently. It means doing more . . . more . . . more than you are ASKED to do! And it means doing some ASKING yourself, such as ASKING management how you can make yourself very useful.
Note this well: One of the nation's business leaders says there is only a four-word procedure for Success: "MAKE YOURSELF MORE USEFUL."
Business is a continuation of doing in response to being ASKED. For example:
Executive: "Will you come in and take my dictation now, Miss Jones?"
"Miss Jones, will you tell Mr. Brown that I can see him now?"
"Miss Jones, will you bring me the file on the Smith case?"
"Miss Jones, will you get me Mr. Black on the phone?"
Miss Jones, will you do this, will you do that, will you come here, will you go there? And all day long, day after day, Miss Jones and every employee is being consciously and subconsciously conditioned to respond to being ASKED-and to respond courteously, promptly and efficiently-or else.
Meanwhile the executives, at all levels, are equally being conditioned to the benefits of doing what is ASKED-courteously, promptly and efficiently. All executives have bosses-and when you reach the top you will find that the public is your most demanding boss of all!
All of us, from early childhood throughout all our lives, are constantly, continuously and irrevocably being taught and trained to do what is ASKED of us, and the doing becomes a "conditioned response."
Frequently, we willingly do what is ASKED just as a matter of course without giving it a serious thought.
Even if we do stop and seriously think about whether we should do what is ASKED of us, the farces of a lifetime of teaching, training and conditioning bear heavily upon our decision, urging us to comply.
To refuse to do what is ASKED of us is like trying to swim against the tide. It is unnatural, difficult and often dangerous.
You can be sure that the person you ASK to do something for you or to give you information already has had a lifetime of teaching, training and conditioning which will strongly favor his (or her) doing it. So ASK!
And there are other powerful forces ready to help you get what you want by ASKING.
Psychologists say that the one factor which motivates people to act-more than any other-is their desire to be IMPORTANT. In fact, psychologists even go so far as to say that everybody should have to wear across his chest a big sign printed in capital letters reading, “I WANT TO FEEL IMPORTANT." This constant reminder would greatly improve our relations with each other and would enable us to get a lot more cooperation and avoid a lot of unnecessary friction!
When you ASK people to do something or to give you something or for some information you need, they
will have a strong tendency to do what you ASK because, by so doing, it demonstrates THEIR importance. It makes them feel superior to you and gives them that warm inner glow of having been helpful.
At the same time you, too, have gained. You got what you ASKED for. And, you, also have the inner satisfaction of having helped someone else feel important and helpful.
On the negative side, the other person would lose his sense of importance by refusing to do what you ASKED because it might indicate his inability to do so. Or it would be rude, discourteous and probably antagonizing for the other person to respond unfavorably by declining . what you ASKED if your request were logical, courteous, friendly and appropriate. Most people would not want to put themselves in that unpleasant position.
Perhaps a few people would, and you might as well get used to meeting them in this imperfect world of ours.
Marcus Aurelius, one of the wisest men who ever ruled the Roman Empire, wrote in his diary, "I am going to meet people today who talk too much, people who are selfish, egotistical, ungrateful. But I won't be surprised or disturbed, for I could not imagine a world without such people."
Yes, you, too, will meet people like that. You will meet people who not only will refuse to do what you ASK, but they will not even civilly answer your reasonable questions.
But don't let those few stubborn, neurotic people bother you. Joyfully ignore them and get on your way to success. Remember that Success is like a bicycle-when you stop pedaling (ASKING) you will fall!
Encourage others to talk by ASKING:
"What do you think should be done about ?" (This is an irresistible conversation-starter!)
"What has been your experience in such a situation?" ( Avoid making contrary pronouncements. )
"What is your opinion?"
"How would you do it?"
As Will Rogers said, "There is still a lot of mon- key in us. Throw anything you want into our cage and we will give it serious consideration." That applies to ASKING questions or ASKING for favors. All but a few abnormal people just can't ignore a logical, courteous request for ac- tion or information. As Will Rogers said, "They will give it serious consideration." It is a natural instinct-and also a "conditioned response."
It is the scientific finding of psychologists that a favorable response to ASKING is a “conditioned re- sponse" developed in everybody starting in early child- hood, continued constantly during all the years of school- ing, and established as the principal business procedure for getting things done.
That is WHY people will do what you ASK.
That is why the “magic" three-letter word- ASK-is the qUickest, simplest, easiest, surest way for you to GET WHATEVER YOU WANT.
So let us begin, in the next chapters, to explore some of the many "magic" ways of ASKING which lead to the Land of Abundance! 

This “Magic" Word Will Get You WHATEVER You Want!

There  is  a  "magic"  word which  will  produce  miracles in your life!
This "magic" word is  the secret of getting others to DO what YOU want them to do!
This  "magic"  word  will  enable  YOU  to  get  WHATEVER you want!
Who says so?
The Bible  says  so.  And  the  teachings  of ALL  of the great religions  are based on  the use of this "magic"  word.
The entire medical profession uses this "magic"  word. Yes,  your own  family  doctor, ALL medical  specialists,  ALL mental  specialists;  psychiatrists,  psychoanalysts  and psychotherapists use  this "magic" word.
Educators,  business  leaders,  researchers,  scientists,  salesmen-ALL  people  whose  success  depends  upon obtaining  information or cooperation  from  others- use this "magic" word.
Actually,  this  "magic"  word  really  isn't magic  -but it  produces  such  miraculous  results  that  it  seems  like magic!
This "magic" word is:  ASK!
Here are some of the things it will do for YOU:
"ASK.  .  and  you  shall  receive,"  promises  the Bible.
"ASK.  .  and  every  human  being  has  been  trained from childhood to do what he or she  is ASKED  to  do," assures the psychologist.
"ASK  . . .  and according to the Law of Averages  you'll  get  enough  'yes'  responses  to  guarantee  your  overall success," teaches the sales manager.
"ASK  . . .  and people in all walks  of  life will  come forward  and  surrender  themselves  to  your  salvation  crusade," preaches the evangelist.
"ASK  ... and you'll be surprised by  the number of people who will be anxious  to  improve your education," asserts the educator.
"ASK for  the order and you'll  increase  the  results  of  advertising  ten  times,"  states  the  experienced  advertiser.
"ASK and you won't get blocked by a road under construction," warns  the Automobile Club.
"ASK  and  maybe  the  girl  will  marry  you,"  thinks the man  (or the girl).
"ASK,  and  prove  you  deserve  it,  and  you'll  get that raise in salary," advises the employment counselor.
"ASK for more" has been the principal basis of  the  success  of  the  union movement  since  its  very  beginning.
"ASK  through  testing"  is  the basis of  scientific  research and progress.
ASK  the  expert  and  you'll  get  expert  advice  and perhaps even expert training  in almost any subject  in  which you are  interested.  If  s  just as  easy  to  ask  an expert  as  it is  to ask a novice-so don't settle for  less  than expert  advice.
ASK  the  news  editor  for  deserved  publicity  and you'll be surprised how easy it is  to get. After all,  he's  looking  for  interesting  information  to  print  in  his  paper.
I know because I was president of one of  the largest publicity organizations in the nation. We got millions of dollars  worth  of  publicity  by ASKING  for  it  and  furnishing  interesting material. But we wouldn't have gotten a  penny's  worth if we hadn't ASKED.
ASK for a discount. ASK for a better deal. ASK  for a "refigured competitive quotation." You'll be surprised  at how much money you'll save.
ASK more  than one  seller before  you buy. As  president of eight corporations  I have seen our buyers frequently get price quotations varying over 40% on identical  specifications.
ASK for the job you want. I once was president  of a  large  employment  agency.  Amazing  as  it  seems,  unemployed people were either afraid to or didn't know how  to ASK  for  jobs for  themselves-so  they paid us  a big  fee  to  ASK  prospective  employers  to  give  them  the  jobs  for  which they were obviously qualified. We built the biggest  employment agency in our part of the nation just by ASKING for  jobs  for people who  could more  easily  have  obtained the same  jobs  themselves by ASKING  the employers personally.
ASK  strangers  impersonal,  pleasant  questions  while  you  are waiting for  the elevator or the bus  or  any.;.  time you are together for a few minutes with nothing to do.  ASK the stranger what he or she thinks about the weather,  the  crowded  conditions  in which  you  find  yourselves,  or  any general, casual question. The key is "casual." Don't be  aggressive.  Don't  cross-examine.  Don't  be  impertinent.
Don't be offensive.  Just start a  pleasant,  casual  conversation with a question.  In the first  place,  it's  a  lot more  enjoyable  than  staring  at  each  other  in  glum  silence.  And  then it's one of the best ways to start to learn the delightful  art of pleasant conversation. Don't miss  an opportunity  to  do this!  It's interesting and it's fun.
ASK  important people  any  sensible,  pertinent  question-for  their opinion,  for  their  advice,  for  a  favor,  for  anything  which  will  enable  you  to  meet  and  know  them. Be sure  they remember you and be sure you maintain your contact. Make  a list of one hundred of the most  important people you want to meet and use this "ASKING  method" to meet them. Don't you think it will help you be  more  successful  if you  personally know  the  one  hundred  most important people in your city?
ASK yourself,  "How can  I  do  it better?"  (Improve quality.) ASK  yourself, "How can I  do more?"  (In- crease  quantity.)  The  success  combination  in  business  is  the answer to  those two questions.  If you  don't know  the  answers, find someone who does and ASK him. Keep ASKING until you  get those answers. You must have  them  to  succeed. Do better-do more!
ASK your doctor. You might prevent a  serious  illness or an operation.
ASK your dentist. You might prevent a painful  toothache at an inconvenient time. You might save a tooth.
ASK your eye specialist. You might improve or  even save your vision.
ASK your lawyer. You might avoid a lawsuit or  legal loss. Or you might obtain a legal gain.
ASK your banker or investment counselor. You  might prevent a financial  loss or make a substantial financial  gain.  I  have,  many  times-by  ASKING  experts.
ASK your  insurance  agent about new policies  with more benefits and lower rates.  Insurance -is  taking on  a  merchandising  complex  to  meet  modem  competitive  conditions.  The  deals  are  better  if you  know  where  and  how to shop for them.
ASK  the best  tax  accountant  you  can  find  to  prepare your  income  tax  and other  tax  forms.  There  are  lots of legal ways to save  tax expenses. The taxes you save  and the trouble you avoid will easily offset  the expert  tax  accountant's fee.
ASK  major  business  executives  how  the  top  leaders got on  top  and how  they stay there. They will  tell  you  that the  top  leaders  spend a  lot of  time ASKING  for  facts.  There  is no  substitute for getting the facts!
ASK expert opinions about your own plans. Do  not announce your plans as though they had been handed  down  with  the  Ten Commandments.  Test  them  first  by  ASKING people who will  judge them impartially and critically. Polish your plans with other people's ideas.
ASK !  It  is  dangerous  to  travel  in a  fog-especially a mental fog!
ASK for favors.  People get a satisfying sense of  pleasure out of doing  favors  for  those who ASK for  favors  courteously and properly-and  if you thank them sincerely  afterward,  they will  be  glad  to  do  other  favors  for  you  later. Don't make a nuisance of yourself-but do  give others the satisfaction of being helpful.
ASK  . . .  to  increase your knowledge of people  and  places.  This  will  increase  your  familiarity  with  them. People and places often seem to be unfriendly when  they are merely unfamiliar.
“ASK,"  says  the  experienced  raiser  of  funds  for  charities.  Hundreds  of millions  of dollars  are  contributed to charity every year because people are ASKED  for  them.  Only  a  small  amount would  be  contributed  unless  people were directly ASKED.
"ASK,"  says  the  Finance Committee  of  every  church as  it ASKS  for pledges. ASK is what every preacher  does before the offering is  taken each Sunday. By ASKING  for  pledges  and ASKING  for  Sunday  contributions,  hundreds of millions of dollars  are freely  donated to maintain  the churches of this nation.
ASK  any  politician how he  gets  votes  and  he  will  tell you he ASKS  for  them. Watch any political campaign and you'll see the candidates shaking as many hands  as possible and ASKING for votes.
I could give you hundreds of other examples to  prove that ASKING  is  unquestionably one of the most important-and  the  quickest,  easiest,  surest-of all  success  methods. The very act of ASKING can, by  itself, guarantee  that you eventually will be a success!
Why is  this  so? Why do people-often people  who  do  not  even  know  you-tend  to  do  what  you  ASK  them to do?
Why  do  people-often  people  who· have  no  interest in  you  at all-use their  time  and  sometimes go  to  a lot of trouble to furnish you information just because you  ASK  them  for  it?
You will  find  out WHY  in  the next  chapter.

In  the meantime,  start ASKING!  Make  ASKING a way of life! You will find that it pays  . . .  and pays  . . .  and pays  . . .  and pays!