Why Be Afraid? . . . You CANNOT LOSE!

Are you AFRAID that those whom you ASK will say "NO!"?
Would being told "NO!" hurt your feelings?
Wound your precious ego? Would you be personally of- fended? Are you afraid that the person you ASK would be offended? Why are you afraid that someone will tell you "NO"'?
Many people are so afraid of being told "NO!" that they do not persistently ASK for WHATEVER THEY WANT (sometimes they are afraid to ASK at all!) and so they do not get what they want.
Silly isn't it? Imagine going through life being afraid to ASK for what you want! Are YOU doing without WHATEVER YOU WANT, because you are afraid to ask for it?
Let's put an end to that silly fear!
In the first place, you simply cannot lose by ASKING! Obviously, you do not NOW have that for which you ASK-or you would not need to ASK for it. Since you do not NOW have it, you cannot lose it by ASKING for it -if the other person says "NO!" to what you ASK. You did not have it anyway! So how could you lose it?
You cannot lose that which you do not have.
So by ASKING for what you do not have, you cannot lose! You can get more by ASKING, but you cannot lose anything!
Be like the salesman who timidly approached the door to the big buyer's office. The salesman was afraid to go in and ASK the buyer for an order because the sales- man was afraid the buyer would tell him "NO!". Then the salesman gave a silent talk to himself, which went like this:
"I do not NOW have the buyer's order.
"The only way I can get the buyer's order is to ASK him for it.
"If I ASK the buyer for an order, what is the worse possible thing which could happen to me?
"The worse possible thing which could happen only would be that the buyer would say "NO".
"Then I still would not have the buyer's order, but I do not have it NOW, either-so I cannot lose by
So the salesman went in, ASKED for the order, got the order, thanked the buyer, and left to go ASK more buyers for more orders!
But if the buyer had told the salesman, "NO!", the salesman would not have been ANY worse off for having ASKED for something he didn't already have anyway!
In fact, he would have been better off-be- cause one of the most effective ways to get what you want is to start with getting a “No!" response to what you ASK!'
(Maybe you ought to read the preceding statement again! Two or three times!)
Most people think a “No!" reply is the end- when a “No!" reply to what you ASK is only the beginning of one of the most successful methods for getting what you want!
Many of the most successful people use the technique of almost inviting a “NO!" reply so that they can use the success methods described in the next two chapters which take the fear out of ASKING.

Let's start with the next chapter, which tells you: What To Do And Say When The Answer Is “NO!". 


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