This “Magic" Word Will Get You WHATEVER You Want!

There  is  a  "magic"  word which  will  produce  miracles in your life!
This "magic" word is  the secret of getting others to DO what YOU want them to do!
This  "magic"  word  will  enable  YOU  to  get  WHATEVER you want!
Who says so?
The Bible  says  so.  And  the  teachings  of ALL  of the great religions  are based on  the use of this "magic"  word.
The entire medical profession uses this "magic"  word. Yes,  your own  family  doctor, ALL medical  specialists,  ALL mental  specialists;  psychiatrists,  psychoanalysts  and psychotherapists use  this "magic" word.
Educators,  business  leaders,  researchers,  scientists,  salesmen-ALL  people  whose  success  depends  upon obtaining  information or cooperation  from  others- use this "magic" word.
Actually,  this  "magic"  word  really  isn't magic  -but it  produces  such  miraculous  results  that  it  seems  like magic!
This "magic" word is:  ASK!
Here are some of the things it will do for YOU:
"ASK.  .  and  you  shall  receive,"  promises  the Bible.
"ASK.  .  and  every  human  being  has  been  trained from childhood to do what he or she  is ASKED  to  do," assures the psychologist.
"ASK  . . .  and according to the Law of Averages  you'll  get  enough  'yes'  responses  to  guarantee  your  overall success," teaches the sales manager.
"ASK  . . .  and people in all walks  of  life will  come forward  and  surrender  themselves  to  your  salvation  crusade," preaches the evangelist.
"ASK  ... and you'll be surprised by  the number of people who will be anxious  to  improve your education," asserts the educator.
"ASK for  the order and you'll  increase  the  results  of  advertising  ten  times,"  states  the  experienced  advertiser.
"ASK and you won't get blocked by a road under construction," warns  the Automobile Club.
"ASK  and  maybe  the  girl  will  marry  you,"  thinks the man  (or the girl).
"ASK,  and  prove  you  deserve  it,  and  you'll  get that raise in salary," advises the employment counselor.
"ASK for more" has been the principal basis of  the  success  of  the  union movement  since  its  very  beginning.
"ASK  through  testing"  is  the basis of  scientific  research and progress.
ASK  the  expert  and  you'll  get  expert  advice  and perhaps even expert training  in almost any subject  in  which you are  interested.  If  s  just as  easy  to  ask  an expert  as  it is  to ask a novice-so don't settle for  less  than expert  advice.
ASK  the  news  editor  for  deserved  publicity  and you'll be surprised how easy it is  to get. After all,  he's  looking  for  interesting  information  to  print  in  his  paper.
I know because I was president of one of  the largest publicity organizations in the nation. We got millions of dollars  worth  of  publicity  by ASKING  for  it  and  furnishing  interesting material. But we wouldn't have gotten a  penny's  worth if we hadn't ASKED.
ASK for a discount. ASK for a better deal. ASK  for a "refigured competitive quotation." You'll be surprised  at how much money you'll save.
ASK more  than one  seller before  you buy. As  president of eight corporations  I have seen our buyers frequently get price quotations varying over 40% on identical  specifications.
ASK for the job you want. I once was president  of a  large  employment  agency.  Amazing  as  it  seems,  unemployed people were either afraid to or didn't know how  to ASK  for  jobs for  themselves-so  they paid us  a big  fee  to  ASK  prospective  employers  to  give  them  the  jobs  for  which they were obviously qualified. We built the biggest  employment agency in our part of the nation just by ASKING for  jobs  for people who  could more  easily  have  obtained the same  jobs  themselves by ASKING  the employers personally.
ASK  strangers  impersonal,  pleasant  questions  while  you  are waiting for  the elevator or the bus  or  any.;.  time you are together for a few minutes with nothing to do.  ASK the stranger what he or she thinks about the weather,  the  crowded  conditions  in which  you  find  yourselves,  or  any general, casual question. The key is "casual." Don't be  aggressive.  Don't  cross-examine.  Don't  be  impertinent.
Don't be offensive.  Just start a  pleasant,  casual  conversation with a question.  In the first  place,  it's  a  lot more  enjoyable  than  staring  at  each  other  in  glum  silence.  And  then it's one of the best ways to start to learn the delightful  art of pleasant conversation. Don't miss  an opportunity  to  do this!  It's interesting and it's fun.
ASK  important people  any  sensible,  pertinent  question-for  their opinion,  for  their  advice,  for  a  favor,  for  anything  which  will  enable  you  to  meet  and  know  them. Be sure  they remember you and be sure you maintain your contact. Make  a list of one hundred of the most  important people you want to meet and use this "ASKING  method" to meet them. Don't you think it will help you be  more  successful  if you  personally know  the  one  hundred  most important people in your city?
ASK yourself,  "How can  I  do  it better?"  (Improve quality.) ASK  yourself, "How can I  do more?"  (In- crease  quantity.)  The  success  combination  in  business  is  the answer to  those two questions.  If you  don't know  the  answers, find someone who does and ASK him. Keep ASKING until you  get those answers. You must have  them  to  succeed. Do better-do more!
ASK your doctor. You might prevent a  serious  illness or an operation.
ASK your dentist. You might prevent a painful  toothache at an inconvenient time. You might save a tooth.
ASK your eye specialist. You might improve or  even save your vision.
ASK your lawyer. You might avoid a lawsuit or  legal loss. Or you might obtain a legal gain.
ASK your banker or investment counselor. You  might prevent a financial  loss or make a substantial financial  gain.  I  have,  many  times-by  ASKING  experts.
ASK your  insurance  agent about new policies  with more benefits and lower rates.  Insurance -is  taking on  a  merchandising  complex  to  meet  modem  competitive  conditions.  The  deals  are  better  if you  know  where  and  how to shop for them.
ASK  the best  tax  accountant  you  can  find  to  prepare your  income  tax  and other  tax  forms.  There  are  lots of legal ways to save  tax expenses. The taxes you save  and the trouble you avoid will easily offset  the expert  tax  accountant's fee.
ASK  major  business  executives  how  the  top  leaders got on  top  and how  they stay there. They will  tell  you  that the  top  leaders  spend a  lot of  time ASKING  for  facts.  There  is no  substitute for getting the facts!
ASK expert opinions about your own plans. Do  not announce your plans as though they had been handed  down  with  the  Ten Commandments.  Test  them  first  by  ASKING people who will  judge them impartially and critically. Polish your plans with other people's ideas.
ASK !  It  is  dangerous  to  travel  in a  fog-especially a mental fog!
ASK for favors.  People get a satisfying sense of  pleasure out of doing  favors  for  those who ASK for  favors  courteously and properly-and  if you thank them sincerely  afterward,  they will  be  glad  to  do  other  favors  for  you  later. Don't make a nuisance of yourself-but do  give others the satisfaction of being helpful.
ASK  . . .  to  increase your knowledge of people  and  places.  This  will  increase  your  familiarity  with  them. People and places often seem to be unfriendly when  they are merely unfamiliar.
“ASK,"  says  the  experienced  raiser  of  funds  for  charities.  Hundreds  of millions  of dollars  are  contributed to charity every year because people are ASKED  for  them.  Only  a  small  amount would  be  contributed  unless  people were directly ASKED.
"ASK,"  says  the  Finance Committee  of  every  church as  it ASKS  for pledges. ASK is what every preacher  does before the offering is  taken each Sunday. By ASKING  for  pledges  and ASKING  for  Sunday  contributions,  hundreds of millions of dollars  are freely  donated to maintain  the churches of this nation.
ASK  any  politician how he  gets  votes  and  he  will  tell you he ASKS  for  them. Watch any political campaign and you'll see the candidates shaking as many hands  as possible and ASKING for votes.
I could give you hundreds of other examples to  prove that ASKING  is  unquestionably one of the most important-and  the  quickest,  easiest,  surest-of all  success  methods. The very act of ASKING can, by  itself, guarantee  that you eventually will be a success!
Why is  this  so? Why do people-often people  who  do  not  even  know  you-tend  to  do  what  you  ASK  them to do?
Why  do  people-often  people  who· have  no  interest in  you  at all-use their  time  and  sometimes go  to  a lot of trouble to furnish you information just because you  ASK  them  for  it?
You will  find  out WHY  in  the next  chapter.

In  the meantime,  start ASKING!  Make  ASKING a way of life! You will find that it pays  . . .  and pays  . . .  and pays  . . .  and pays!  


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