The Power of Knowing WHICH!

Getting  WHATEVER  you  want  in  life  is  simply  a  matter  of  making  the  right  choices-deciding WHAT and WHICH  ... and  then knowing HOW.
Consciously or subconsciously, your mind constantly is confronted by the necessity of making choices- of deciding WHICH. You must decide  if you will  do  this  . . .  or  if  you will  do  that  . . .  or  if  you will  do  nothing. There is no such thing as not deciding.
Deciding to do nothing is making a choice  just  as  is  deciding  to  do  something.
Choosing to do nothing is  a choice which may  well determine whether or not you will GET WHAT YOU  WANT. Ask any drop-out!
You  cannot  avoid  the  necessity  of  constantly  making  choices.  H  you  try  to  avoid  or  delay  making  a  CHOICE,  you are choosing  to do nothing-and that,  as  just  stated,  is  a  choice which  can affect your  life  as  much,  or  11 perhaps more,  than deciding  to  do  something.  If you DO  nothing-you will BE  nothing!
Having chosen to BE something, you must decide to DO something-and that confronts you with choosing WHICH among life's  tangle of pathways.  You  must  choose  which  action  to  take  . . .  which  group  to  join  ... which  cause  to  advocate  ...  which  job... which  city... which  neighborhood  . . .  which person  . . .  which life-goal  . . .  which?  . . .  WHICH?

I cannot make  those decisions  for you  because  they  are  personal  choices  which  only  you  can  make. 


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