The Power of Knowing WHAT!

The first  requirement for getting WHATEVER  you want is  to know WHAT!
You  must  know WHAT  you  want.
Not knowing WHAT you want  is  like  starting  out on a trip without knowing the name of your destination  or what direction  it  is  in  . . .  or what  road  to  take  . . .  or how far away  it  is.
Your  chance of  reaching  an unknown destination  in  an  unknown  direction  by driving  on  an unknown  road  for  an unknown  length  of  time-is practically  zero!
"WHAT YOU  WANT"  is  your  destination  in  life.  It is  your  life-goal.
"WHAT YOU WANT"  is  your life-target. You  cannot aim  at NO  target!
You  must know WHAT.
The  first  reason  that people  do  not succeed  is  that  they do not know WHAT  they want. So  they wander  aimlessly  through life looking for  something-but they do  9 not know WHAT!  They go  hopelessly around in circles- only to come back to where they started. They rush boldly  -in  the wrong direction! They think  they are going up- when  they really are  sinking down. What  they  start as  a  wonderful  high-turns  out  to  be  a  sickening  low!  They  know they want something-but they don't know WHAT!
Start  thinking NOW about WHAT you want.
You  don't have  to decide now. But keep  thinking about it  while you  read this book. Not  just when you are  reading,  but in between  times,  too.  Frequently-almost constantly  -ask yourself:  "WHAT do  I  want?"
When you ask yourself:  "WHAT  do  I want?"  think only in tenus of a life-goal.
WHAT  do  you  want?  ... Happiness?  ..  Love?  ... Success?  ... Wealth?  ... Influence?  ..  Power?  ... Popularity?  ... Fame?  ... WHAT?  You CAN  have any or all of  those  things  ..
and more! But you must decide WHAT.
And,  if you keep  asking  yourself:  "WHAT  do  I want?"  ... you will know  exactly WHAT you want by  the  time  you  finish  reading  this blog-because  this  blog is a SUCCESS COURSE consisting of lessons  which  help  you  decide WHAT  you  want  in  life  and then tell you HOW to get it! WHATEVER you want!
Knowing that you CAN get it, makes  it easy to  choose WHAT you want.
And  . . .  knowing WHAT YOU WANT is  the  first step  in getting it!


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